Musings of an Austen-loving, tea drinking historian and enthusiast of all things British. Also obsessed with Breakfast on pretty dishes. Oh, and sometime writer.

Friday, May 29, 2020

Back Porch Breakfast with Burleigh

I love summer. Lazy mornings, late nights, sun-soaked days, cool pools, and my favorite part of summer? Morning. As in Breakfast. Outside. On the porch. Hallelujah.
I've started "Lazy Keto" for summer. Instead of restricting myself to 20 grams of carb or less, I'm doing 100. Still healthy, just more flexible. Which means I can have my Cafix/Kafree with half and half and Cheerios with fruit in the morning. Yay!
We went a little nuts at AT HOME and did some fun porch decor. Now we have a little oasis and it's so fun. Peaceful, private, everything we want. And a great place for morning breakfast. And I love my Burleigh Mulberry Felicity. It's so Country, but so versatile:

Sun's coming up! Guess I'd better eat before it gets cold. ;-) 
**SIGH** Perfect Bliss.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Back to Basic Basics...

After a week off of Keto, I am back. I truly have a love/hate relationship with the Keto Diet. Do I love carbs? Heck yes. Fresh baked breads, Pizza, Pasta, Desserts, yes please. But my body doesn't like how it feels when I eat them. In this case, I took a week off and ate them, with a capital ATE. In abundance. And I feel awful. Lethargic, tired, puffy, you name it. Inflammation is not my friend. When I'm in Ketosis, I have zero inflammation, as long as I keep the processed meats down to a minimum. My brain works better. I wake up in the morning refreshed and energetic. The difference is amazing. I don't recommend it for a permament lifestyle change, but for losing the weight you want, it's the answer for me. And believe me, I've tried EVERYTHING. Keto is the only one that works.
This is the most basic Keto breakfast of all. And I scrambled those eggs with Kerrygold. Back to high fat, low carb! In about three days, I'll be back to my keto-ing self. I just hope I can survive the Carb Withdrawal. Never the fun part. :-( Live and Learn.

Monday, May 18, 2020

City to Cottage Breakfast

"City to Cottage" is a brand I ordered from London, and I have to say, it's very cottage-y. It comes in a lot of colors, but my favorite is sky blue. Look at them polka dots!

They are very relaxing and soothing for morning time. Especially in a sunny corner of the house!
You can find all the colors and patterns here. They really are a fun addition to any home! 
Photo from City to Cottage.UK

Photo from City to Cottage.UK

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Little Blue Romance... start my day! This pattern is "Blue Romance" by Delton. Not really heard of Delton, before. One thing to know about me, I don't care about "brands" or "labels" when it comes to my dishes. I like it, I buy it. Whether expensive or not. This was definitely not expensive, but it was so pretty I HAD to have it. ;-)
I just wish there was a sugar and creamer set to round it out!
It does look nice on a table. The floral and stripes and colors really are striking. I'd include a link to Delton but they are wholesalers, and you can't buy individual pieces. Oh well. You can find tons of pretty Delton patterns on Amazon. 
Definitely a great way to start the day! :-)