Musings of an Austen-loving, tea drinking historian and enthusiast of all things British. Also obsessed with Breakfast on pretty dishes. Oh, and sometime writer.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

DIY Sugarcubes: Yes Please!

Look at these beauties. And they were made by moi. Since I am on the Keto diet and I can't have REAL sugar cubes, I took to Pinterest to find a solution. And I stumbled on this fix by Desserts With Benefits. You actually take Erythritol and water, and voila--24 hours later you have bona fide sugar cubes for your tea! I take three in mine. It's so easy to make them, and all my sugar bowls are filled! The best part? only .5 grams of carb for FIVE of them. Hooray! *Note: she says to leave them overnight, but I have found that they are still crumbly. I wait 24 hours for ultimate hardening.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Churchill Queen's Penzance Brunch

Photo from Lavender and Lovage
Churchill's Queen's Penzance/The Caravan Trail. Hands down my favorite breakfast dishes. For some reason they look weird with dinner food on them. But for breakfast they are perfect. I pretty much have everything:
I use it almost every day. How can I not? Look how cute it is! These photos are from Lavender and Lovage, and she takes beautiful pictures of dishes and food, among other things. Her pictures of Penzance first made me fall in love with it.
Photo from Lavender and Lovage
Photo from Lavender and Lovage
Photo from Lavender and Lovage
Photo from Lavender and Lovage
Photo from Lavender and Lovage
Photo from Lavender and Lovage
Photo from Lavender and Lovage

Photo from Lavender and Lovage
I hope to have these for a long, long time. 

Friday, September 6, 2019

Spode Blue Italian Love

I LOVE Spode Blue Italian. It's so bright and fun and quite frankly, makes a gorgeous table. I keep mine in a little side cupboard off the breakfast area. My favorite part about it? It's an old pattern, but the china is NEW and you can microwave and put it in the dishwasher. Of course I never do that, I hand wash all my china after use. But I don't have to worry about it being too vintage or "fragile" to use. I like to USE my stuff!
Breakfast this morning:
I'm all about pattern on pattern. So of course I have the placemats too. And this whole breakfast, by the way, is completely Keto. All of it, eggs, bacon, toast, jam, tea and custard are a whopping SIX NET GRAMS of carb. I tend to eat most of my 20 carbs a day at breakfast. Breakfast is the best. My favorite meal. Especially when you have a cute toast rack:
 This is why I love Ebay. The toast rack isn't mainstream. A lot of my favorite pieces aren't. (Yes, I took the teapot from my "tea for one" set and I'm using it, it's perfect for breakfast.) I have a jam jar as well, and I have this lovely 200th Anniversary set:
(Image Borrowed from Ebay)

It's my "berries and cream" set. But it's very versatile. I also have a soup tureen. Not sure why, but if I ever serve Minestrone it's my go-to. 
 I made the sugar cubes myself with Erythritol. Which is Keto as well. Three lumps for me!
What a beautiful pattern. So bright and cheerful. I can't imagine you'd ever go wrong with it.